Montag, 12. September 2011


I take a brief interlude in my WG search to moan for a while about THE SNORER.
Last night four new Australian guys joined our room in the youth hostel, all well and good. However, at 1AM I was woken up by the snoring coming from one (THE SNORER). As, it appears, was everyone else. At 2.45am another from the group returns, rather drunkenly, to the room. The Aussie guy in the bunk above THE SNORER asked him to do something about the noise, at which point drunk guy falls VERY LOUDLY to the floor. Nope, still snoring away. He throws a proper (and pretty full) travel rucksack at him. Nope. At 3.15 I left the room for an hour and a half to sleep on the floor in the women's toilets. I returned to the room around 5am, as this is apparently the time when all female visitors in Germany need to pee, and he's still going strong. So yay, loads of sleep for my three interviews today!
The WGs today were rather nice though, all have said I should be able to practise, none are smokers. All going well. A definitely more positive outlook (if one of them chooses me...).
We'll soon see!
Right, I'm off to bed before THE SNORER takes over the room once more...
Bis bald :)

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